Linguists have
studied that language is primaly speech and modern approaches to language
teaching. Therefore, it is important for language teacher to have some knowledge of phonetics.
Phonetics can help
us to know which sound we are reffering to when we use certain word. In fact,
every people who use English have different pronunciation when they speak a
certain word.
Linguists also
studied how human produces sounds of speech. There is no special organ for
human to speak. So, when we speak, it is involved many organs inside.
1.2 Problem statement
Some main research questions the
writer would like to answer are as follows:
What is phonetics? How are
speech sounds produced? What are the organs of speech?
1.3 Purposes of study
purpose of writing is to know about phonetics and what happens when we produce
speech sound.
Linguists have shown that language is primaly speech and
modern approaches to language teaching include the teaching of pronunciation.
Language teachers, therefore, need to have some knowledge of phonetics, “the
science which analyses and records sounds and the elements of speech, and their
use and distribution in connected sentences”.
Para ahli bahasatelah menunjukkanbahwa bahasa merupakan awal mula caraberbicara
danpendekatanmodern untukpengajaranbahasa meliputipengajaranpengucapan. Oleh karena itu,guru bahasa perlu memiliki
beberapapengetahuan tentangfonetik, "ilmu yangmenganalisisdan mencatat suara danunsur-unsurberbicara, dan penggunaannyaserta distribusidalam penghubungan
we speak we produce a stream of sound, which is extremely difficult to examine
because it is continuous, rapid and soon gone. The linguist has therefore to
find a way to break down the stream of speech so that the units may be studied
and described accurately. Hand in hand with a method analyzing speech sounds
there must be a method of recording them.
berbicarakitamenghasilkanaliransuara, yangsangat sulituntuk diperiksakarenaterjadi secara terus
menerus, cepatdan cepat hilang. Oleh karena itu, ahli bahasa harusmenemukan
cara untukmemecahaliranberbicarasehinggaunit-unitnyadapat dipelajaridandijelaskansecara
akurat. Bersamaandengan metode untuk menganalisasuaramaka ada pulametode untuk merekammereka.
use a phonetic alphabet for the purpose of recording speech sounds in written
or printed form. A phonetic alphabet is based on the principle of one letter
per sound, so that people know which sound we are referring to when we use a
certain letter. Such an alphabet provides a quick and accurate way of writing
down the pronunciation of individual words and of showing how sounds are used
in connected speech. It must be remembered, however, that a phonetic alphabet
does not teach sound, nor is it necessary to use phonetic transcription in teaching
Ahli bahasa menggunakan alfabet fonetik bertujuan untuk merekam suara pembicaraan dalam bentuk tertulis atau
dicetak. Sebuah alfabet fonetik didasarkan pada prinsip satu huruf per suara,
sehingga orang tahu suara mana yang kita
maksud ketika kita menggunakan huruf tertentu. Seperti halnya alfabet
menyediakan cara yang cepat dan akurat dalam menuliskan pengucapan kata-kata secara
individu dan menunjukkan bagaimana suara yang digunakan dalam penghubung
pembicaraan. Harus diingat, bagaimanapun, bahwa alfabet fonetik tidak
mengajarkan suara, juga tidak perlu menggunakan transkripsi fonetik dalam
mengajar pengucapan.
systems of phonetic transcription have been invented. The one used in this book
for British English is that of the International Phonetic Association (IPA) in
its “board” form, which was used by D. Jones in his Outline of English Phonetics. For the benefit of teachers who are
used to other systems, the differences between two transcriptions are set out
in the front cover. The IPA transcription represents British pronunciation
while the Trager-Smith transcription represents American pronunciation.
Banyak sistem transkripsi fonetik telah diciptakan. Yang digunakan dalam
buku ini untuk British English adalah
Asosiasi Fonetik Internasional (IPA) dalam bentuk "dewan",
yang digunakan oleh D. Jones dalamOutline
of English Phonetics. Untuk kepentingan guru yang digunakan untuk sistem
lain, perbedaan antara dua transkripsi ditetapkan dalam sampul depan.
Transkripsi IPA merupakan pengucapan Inggris sementara transkripsi Trager-Smith
mewakili pengucapan Amerika.
sounds of speech can be studied in three different ways. Acoustic phonetics is the study of how speech sounds are
transmitted. Auditory phonetics is
the study of how speech sounds are heard. Articulatory
phonetics is the study of how speech sounds are produced by the human
speech apparatus. This approach in speech analysis is the one most useful for a
language teacher, since she needs to know how individual sounds are made in
order to help her students produce the desired sounds. We will therefore adopt
this approach in the following sections.
Suara dalam berbicara dapat dipelajari dalam tiga cara yang berbeda. Acoustic fonetik adalah studi tentang
bagaimana suara berbicara ditransmisikan. Auditory
fonetik adalah studi tentang bagaimana suara dapat didengar. Artikulatoris fonetik adalah studi
tentang bagaimana suara diproduksi oleh organberbicara manusia. Pendekatan tersebut
sangat berguna bagi seorang guru bahasa dalam menganalisa pembicaraan, karena dia
perlu tahu bagaimana suara individu dibuat untuk membantu murid-muridnya
menghasilkan suara yang diinginkan. Oleh karena itu kita akan mengadopsi
pendekatan ini dalam bagian berikut.
speech is a distinctive characteristic of man, there are in fact no organs of
speech as such. The organs we use in speaking are primarily used in breathing
and eating. There are contained in three areas of the body-the chest, the
throat and the head. (it may be helpful if you keep your finger on Figure 1, so
that you can refer to diagram. We will follow the flow of air outwards in this
karakteristikkhasmanusia, sebenarnya
adatidak adaorgankhusus untuk berbicara. Organyang kita
gunakan dalamberbicara digunakan dalambernapasdan makan. Organ-organ tersebut terkandungdi tiga wilayahyaitu di dadatubuh, tenggorokandankepala. (mungkin akan membantujika Anda menempelkanjari
Anda padaGambar1, sehingga Andadapatmerujuk kediagram.
Kamiakanmengikutialirankeluarudaradalam deskripsiini).
the chest are the lungs, which are very important in speaking, because all the
sounds of English are produced with air flowing from the lungs. When we
breathe, air passes smoothly through the vocal track (the throat and mouth),
without making a noise. When we speak, various things can happen to this flow
of air and these interferences produce the sound of speech.
Dalamdadaterdapatparu-paru, yangsangat pentingdalam berbicara,
karena semuasuaradalambahasa
Inggrisdiproduksioleh udarayang mengalirdari paru-paru.
Ketikakitabernapas, udarasecara
lancar melewatijalurvokal(tenggorokan dan
mulut), tanpa membuatsuara. Ketikakita
berbicara, berbagai halbisa terjadikealiranudara danmengganggu produksisuara.
the throat is the larynx or voice box, which is located just inside the Adam’s
apple in a man and in the corresponding area in a woman. It has an opening called
the glottis, which may be modified by the two bits of elastic tissues called
vocal cords or bands that stretch across it. These vocal cords can interfere
with the flow of air in various ways. The airflow can be completely stopped by
the vocal cords when they are drawn firmly together to close the glottis, as in
the production of a glottal stop, represented by (1) Adam’s apple. You can
produce a glottal stop in pronouncing the beginning vowel in words like orange, always, enter. When the vocal cords are drawn lightly
together, the air passing through between them causes them to vibrate. This
happens we make a buzzing sound like zzz. If the vocal cords are relaxed and
apart, the air passes between them without causing vibration, as when we make a
hissing sound like sss. In speaking, when the vocal cords vibrate, the sound
produced is a voiced sound. When the vocal cords do not vibrate, the sound
produced is a voiceless sound. You can feel the vibration of a voice sound by
placing your hand over the voice box or hear it by covering your ears. Test
this by saying the last sound in buzz,
ridge and the last sound in hiss, rich.
kotaksuara, yangterletak
di dalamjakunpada seorang pria dandi daerahyang samapada seorang wanita.
Laring memilikipembukaanyang disebutglotis, yangdapat dimodifikasioleh duabitdarijaringanelastisyang disebutpita
suaraatau bandyang membentangdi atasnya. Pita suara inidapatmengganggualiran
udaradalam berbagai cara. Aliran udaradapatbenar-benar
berhentiolehpita suaraketika merekaditarikbersama-samasecara tegasuntuk menutupglotis, seperti dalamproduksiglotal,
yang diwakili oleh(1) jakun. Anda dapatmenghasilkanglotaldalam mengucapkanvokaldimulai
padakata-kata sepertiorange, always, enter. Ketikapita diambil
bersama-sama secara ringan, udara yang melewatiantara
merekamenyebabkan merekabergetar. Hal ini terjadikita
membuatsuaraberdengungsepertizzz. Jikapita
suarayangsantaidan terpisah, udaralewat di
antaramerekatanpa menyebabkangetaran, seperti ketikakita
membuatsuara mendesissepertisss. Dalamberbicara, ketikapita suarabergetar, suara yang
dihasilkanadalahsuarabersuara. Ketikapita
suaratidakbergetar, suara yang dihasilkanadalahsuarayang
berbunyi. Andadapatmerasakangetaransuarasuaradengan
menempatkantangan Anda di ataskotaksuara ataumendengarnyadengan
menutuptelingaAnda. Ujiini dengan
mengatakansuaraterakhir dibuzz,ridgedan suaraterakhir
dihiss, rich.
first interference with the air stream, therefore, takes place in the voice box
by the action of the vocal cords. Accordingly, the first question we can ask
about the production of a speech sound is: Are the vocal cords vibrating?
Campur tanganpertama denganaliran
udara, oleh karena itu,berlangsung
dikotaksuaraoleh aksipita suara. Dengan demikian,
pertanyaan pertamayang bisa kitatanyakan tentangproduksisuaraberbicaraadalah: Apakahpita suarabergetar?
the voice box is the pharynx or pharyngeal cavity, which acts as resonating
chamber for the sounds produced by vibration of the vocal cords. The shape of
the cavity can be modified so that the airstream can be completely or partially
stopped by the action of the soft palate or the tongue.
Di ataskotak suaraterdapatfaringatau ronggafaring, yang bertindak
sebagairuangresonansiuntuksuara yang dihasilkan olehgetaranpita suara. Bentukronggadapatdimodifikasi sehinggaaliran udaradapatsepenuhnyaatau
sebagiandihentikanoleh aksilangit-langit lunakataulidah.
the head are the organs of articulation and two cavities: the oral cavity (or
mouth) and the nasal cavity (or nose). The organs of articulation in the upper
part of the mouth are the uvula, the soft palate, the hard palate, the alveolar
ridge (the gums behind the upper front teeth), the upper teeth and the upper
lip. The organs or articulation in the lower part of the mouth are the tongue,
the lower teeth and the lower lip. The tongue has been divided into three
parts: the back, the front and the apex (or tip). The tongue is the most
flexible organ of speech because every part of it can be moved.
Di kepala terdapat organ artikulasi dan dua rongga:
rongga mulut (atau mulut) dan rongga hidung (atau hidung). Organ artikulasi di
bagian atas mulut adalah uvula, langit-langit lunak, langit-langit keras, ridge
alveolar (gusi di belakang
gigi depan atas), gigi atas dan bibir atas. Organ atau artikulasi di bagian
bawah mulut adalah lidah, gigi bagian bawah dan
bibir bawah. Lidah telah dibagi menjadi tiga bagian: bagian belakang, depan dan
puncak (atau ujung). Lidah adalah organ yang paling fleksibel dalam
berbicara karena
setiap bagian dari itu dapat dipindahkan.
the production of speech sounds, the organs of the upper part of the mouth may
be described as places or points of
articulation and those in the lower part of the mouth as articulators. When
we produce speech sound, the airflow is interfered with by articulators in the
lower part of the mouth moving towards the points of articulation in the upper
part of the mouth. The resulting opening is called the manner of articulation of the speech sound. There are several
manners of articulation. If the articulator touches the point of articulation
firmly, the airflow is stopped and the sound produced is called a stop. If it comes close and leaves a
narrow opening, the air flows through with friction and the sound is called a fricative. If it touches the point of
the articulation as in a stop, then comes away slowly and air passes through
with friction, the sound is an affricate
(a combination of stop and fricative). If it touches the point of articulation
allows air to flow along the side of the tongue, the sound is a lateral.
Dalam produksi suara bicara,
organ-organ bagian atas mulut dapat digambarkan sebagai tempat atau titik artikulasi dan bagian yang berada
di bagian bawah mulut sebagai artikulator. Ketika kita menghasilkan suara bicara,
aliran udara ini diganggu oleh artikulator di bagian bawah mulut bergerak
menuju titik-titik artikulasi di bagian atas mulut. Pembukaan yang dihasilkan
disebut the manner of
articulation(cara berartikulasi
suara). Ada
beberapa cara artikulasi.
Jika artikulator menyentuh titik artikulasi secara tegas,
aliran udara dihentikan dan suara yang dihasilkan disebut stop (berhenti).
Jika ia datang mendekat dan meninggalkan lubang sempit, udara mengalir dengan
gesekan dan suara itu disebut frikatif. Jika menyentuh titik
artikulasi seperti dalam stop (berhenti), kemudian muncul perlahan-lahan dan
udara melewati dengan gesekan, maka suara itu
disebutafrikat (kombinasi
berhenti dan frikatif). Jika menyentuh titik artikulasi yang memungkinkan udara mengalir di sepanjang
sisi lidah, suara itu disebutlateral.
to the description of the speech apparatus in the last two paragraphs, we can
ask two questions about how any speech sound is produced: (1) what is the point
of articulation? (2) What is the manner of articulation?
Menurut keterangandariorganberbicaradalam
duaparagrafterakhir,kita dapatmengajukan dua pertanyaantentang
bagaimanasetiapbunyi ujaranyangdihasilkan: (1) apa gunanyaartikulasi? (2) Apacaraartikulasi?
airstream may pass to the outer atmosphere through either the oral or nasal
cavity. The nasal cavity is connected to the oral cavity through the velic. The
soft palate or velum can be drawn back to close the velic, so that the airstream
from the lungs must pass through the oral cavity. On the other hand, the velum
may be relaxed and leave the velic open to allow the airstream to pass through
the nasal cavity. The latter is the case when sounds like [m], [n], and [h] are produced. When air goes through the oral cavity
the sounds produced are oral sounds. When air passes through the nasal cavity
the sounds produced are nasal sounds. We can therefore ask another question
about the production of any speech sound: is the air passing through the oral
or nasal cavity?
Aliran udara dapat lolos ke
atmosfer luar baik melalui rongga mulut atau hidung. Rongga hidung terhubung ke
rongga mulut melalui velic.
Langit-langit lunak atau velum dapat ditarik kembali untuk menutup velic, sehingga aliran udara dari
paru-paru harus melalui rongga mulut. Di sisi lain, velum dapat menjadi rileks
dan meninggalkan velic terbuka untuk
memungkinkan aliran udara melewati rongga hidung. Yang terakhir adalah kasus
ketika terdengar seperti [m], [n], dan [h] diproduksi. Ketika udara melewati rongga mulut suara yang dihasilkan
adalah suara lisan. Ketika udara melewati rongga hidung suara yang dihasilkan
adalah suara hidung. Oleh karena itu kita dapat mengajukan pertanyaan lain
tentang produksi dari setiap bunyi ujaran: apakah udara
melewati rongga mulut atau hidung?
make use of the speech apparatus just explained to classified and describe the
sounds of speech. The stream of speech sound is cut up into segments according
to the way the sound is produced. One basic classification is the distinction
between vowels and consonants. Vowels are those segments of speech produced
without any interruption or stoppage of the airstream e.g. [i], [u]. Passage of
air is continuous and frictionless. Consonants, on the other hand, are segments
marked by interruption of the air stream. When the interruption is complete a
stop is produced as in [t], [d]. When it is incomplete and accompanied by
friction a fricative is produced as in [s], [v]. The interruption may be in the
form of various kinds of trills as in Scottish [r]. All vowels are produced
with vibration of the vocal cords, but consonants may be produced with or
without such vibration.
Ahli bahasa menjelaskan
organ-organ berbicarabertujuan untuk mengelompokan dan
menggambarkan suara berbicara. Aliran suara berbicara dipotong ke dalam
beberapa segmen sesuai dengan cara suara dihasilkan. Salah satu klasifikasi
dasar adalah perbedaan antara vokal dan konsonan. Vokal adalah segmen berbicarayang diproduksi tanpa interupsi atau
penghentian dari misalnya aliran udara [i], [u]. Perjalanan udara bersifat terus menerus dan tanpa gesekan. Konsonan, di sisi lain,
segmen yang ditandai dengan gangguan aliran
udara. Ketika interupsi selesai maka sebuahpemberhentian diproduksi seperti dalam [t], [d].
Ketika tidak lengkap dan disertai dengan gesekan maka sebuah
diproduksi seperti dalam [s], [v]. Interupsi mungkin dalam bentuk berbagai
jenis trills seperti di Skotlandia [r]. Semua vokal diproduksi dengan getaran
pita suara, namun konsonan dapat diproduksi dengan atau tanpa getaran tersebut.
Chapter iii
phonetics alphabet is based on principles of one letter per sound, so that
people know which sound we are reffering to when we use a certain letter.
However, that phonetics alphabet does not teach sounds, nor is it necessery to
use phonetics transcription in teaching pronuncition.
There are many systems
of phonetics transcription. Two of them are Internastional Phonetics
Assosiation (IPA) and Trager-Smith transcription. IPA represents British
pronunciation and Tragger-Smith represents American pronunciation.
The sound of speech can
be studied in three different ways:
Accoustic phonetics
2. Auditory phonetics
Articulatory phonetics
The organs of speech are contained in three areas of the
body--- the chest, the throat and the head.
In the chest :
In the throat :larynx
(voice box), vocal cords, pharynx (pharyngal cavity).
In the head : oral
cavity (mouth), nasal cavity (nose) and tongue.
The organs in the upper part of the mouth may be
described as a places or points of articulation and those in the lower part of
the mouth as articulators. There are several manner of articulation:
1. Stop
2. Fricative
3. Africative
4. Lateral
The airstream may pass to the outer athmosphere
through either the oral or nasal cavity.
Linguists make use of the speech apparatus just
explained to classify and describe the sound of speech. One basic
classification is the distinction between vowels and consonants.
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